Lilli’s Story
My Personal Health Crisis
Bedridden because of a contaminated health food product…
In 1989, I was diagnosed with a rare blood and muscle disease called Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome. My blood tests revealed symptoms of leukemia, lupus, trichinosis (although I do not eat pork), and hepatitis. I had muscle pain and tenderness, tremendous fatigue, and unusual skin rashes. I had 23 years of prior experience in the field of nutrition, had never been sick...and I was now bedridden. It was very frightening to know that my body was out of control. This disease was actually caused by a contaminated product from the health food store. One thousand five hundred Americans from the east coast to the west coast were poisoned. Many of them died and others remain invalids. The medical association offered them no hope or help.
Once I discovered the source of my illness, of course, I quit taking the contaminated product...(a no-brainer)! I then put myself on my own cancer program, which had worked very successfully for many of my cancer patients. If you can reverse cancer, you can reverse just about any disease.
Along with the cancer program I went on, I was also introduced to several lines of supplements that are tested and pure. These have helped me regain my health. I had always sent patients to the health food store for their supplements thinking that, "if the health food store carried it, it was healthy,"....not so, necessarily. The FDA does not require vitamin companies to clinically test their products...I learned the hard way that all vitamins are not created equal.
I now offer several different supplement lines that I completely trust and recommend. They're safe, they work, and they get results.
I can honestly say that I am healthier now than I was before, a fact for which I am very grateful.
Health and Nutrition Background
Lilli has spent over 30 years studying and speaking on nutrition and disease. When stricken personally by a rare blood disease, Lilli had yet another chance to put into practice the principles she had shared so often with others and to testify once again of their effectiveness.
Lilli believes that the Old and New Testament dietary guidelines are still the best route to healing and prevention. The proof...Israel — one of the healthiest nations on earth.
She teaches - “The body, if given the right nutrients, has the ability to rebuild itself, all the way down to the cellular level.”
Lilli offers complementary ways to enhance your body's God-given ability to fight disease.